John Rozmus Talks With

How did you get started with bodybuilding?

I have always had equipment around the house because my mother has always had a passion for fitness. When I was very young I wanted to be big and strong like all my idols, so I would get up before elementary school to work out on our home gym system. I also seemed to mature at an earlier age than the other kids which gave me an advantage. The stronger I got, the more it became my identity. As a result, I was able to excel in sports such as football, wrestling, and track because of my physical advantage, and this further reinforced my admiration for physical strength. Then as I reached High School I was passed up by the other kids in size. Yet I was able to maintain my physical advantage through my passion for strength training. Once I graduated High School and was no longer actively involved in sports, physical training remained as my activity of choice, and thus, bodybuilding became my dominant pastime.

What is your training routine like?

I wouldn’t be able to attribute my current physique to any one training routine. I have gone through so many. I am constantly changing them up and switching things around. But what has always seemed to work best for me is heavy weight, low rep schemes. I seem to put on the most muscle mass when I am pushing the power of my strength to new limits. I normally try to keep my workouts to under an hour, and I prefer to concentrate on individual muscle groups as opposed to full body routines. When concentrating on adding mass I usually neglect cardio all together, but most often at the sacrifice of definition. When my focus is on leaning out I try to do cardio once a day. Whether it be running for 30 minutes, or walking for several hours on the treadmill (while multi-tasking and taking care of other work).

When trying to cut down do you use HIIT or prefer low intensity cardio?

This depends. I do both, but there are several factors that go into determining which to utilize. I have mostly always concentrated on specific muscle groups for workouts. I will do one muscle group a day, sometimes compound groups such as Chest and Triceps or antagonist groups such as Biceps and Triceps. It is difficult to focus an HIIT workout on a single muscle group. Your muscles fatigue quickly making it hard to keep the intensity up. If I wanted to combine them for a full body workout or an upper and lower body workout that may be something I would do for HIIT training, but like I said, I prefer to concentrate on one muscle group at a time. Therefore, legs and abs are usually the only body parts that I utilize HIIT training for. The other workouts would remain low intensity with normal supplementary cardio (as described above).

What is your diet like?

While I have been maintaining a lean physique my diet has remained fairly clean. My usual meal items are as follows:
– 100 % Egg Whites or oatmeal with frozen mixed berries
– Frozen mixed vegetables
– Banana
– Coffee

Intermediate Meals (2 or 3 per day between Main Meals):
– Protein bars, mixed nuts, turkey…

Main Meals (2 or 3 per day):
– Steak, chicken, pork, turkey, etc.
– Mixed vegetables.

Post Workout options:
– Protein bar or Protein Shake

My diet is usually low carb, consisting mostly of lean protein and vegetables. For liquids I usually stick to water or green tea. I will typically allow myself 1 or 2 cheat meals over the weekends.

What is your supplementation like?

Although I have used many supplements in the past, I have not used any besides protein for a while now. I try to get all my necessary nutrients from whole food sources, but I do use protein supplements post workout.

Plans for the future?

As far as bodybuilding goes I do not have any plans on competing in the future, but I am interested in further pursuing fitness modeling… I will be graduating from the University of Cincinnati in May 2010 with a degree in Construction Management. After which, I plan on serving in the Peace Corps. I am also developing a nonprofit fundraising charity for world hunger relief called Clothes 4 Hunger, and I hope to continue my work in that effort as well as establish a career in public or social service.

Favourite Quotes?

  • “I am more comfortable with failure, than I am with regret.”
  • “Anything that you turn your hand to, do it with all of your heart, as if you were doing it for the lord and not for men.” – Ecclesiastes 9:10
  • No discipline is pleasant at the moment, but in time it brings glory to those who are trained in it. – Hebrews 12:11 Paraphrased
  • “Plans made after advice succeed; so with wise guidance wage your war.” – Proverbs 20:18
  • “Possessions gained hastily at the outset will in the end not be blessed.” – Proverbs 20:21
  • “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall BELIEVE that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” – Mark 11:23
  • “It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great. You broaden the path beneath me, so that my ankles do not turn.” – Psalm 18:32-36